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Path: news.eunet.fi!newsmaster
From: hiltunen@ecoy.pp.fi (Jari Hiltunen)
Newsgroups: comp.dcom.lans,comp.dcom.isdn,comp.dcom.misc,comp.os.netware.connectivity,comp.os.netware.misc,comp.sys.novell,de.comm.mobil,de.comm.isdn
Subject: Re: mobile router: via cellphone?
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 06:35:01 GMT
Organization: ELEKTROCOIN OY
Message-ID: <316de9ee.331576374@news.eunet.fi>
References: <4khep0$17p@newsserver.rrzn.uni-hannover.de>
Reply-To: hiltunen@ecoy.pp.fi
NNTP-Posting-Host: ecoy.pp.fi
X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99d/32.182
guembel@dvg.aball.de (Ekkehard Guembel) wrote:
>Protocols needed are basically SNA and NetBIOS, so either it should be
>bridging routers, or I will have to use some encapsulation technique,
>DLSw would be welcome of course. But all this is not the point.
>********What I really worry about are things like speed, connection
>establishment delay, load balancing, stability, ... **********
I have some experiment when using IBM VTAM (3270 etc.) hosts with a
LinkUp product. LinkUp used 9600 bps synchronous or asynchronous
modem(s) to communicate with IBM hosts. Protocols was (if I remember
right) earlier BSC and then SNA. Today we use fully TCP/IP protocol
and SNA-products are forgotten about two years ago.
Users in the LAN used NETBIOS to communicate with a LinkUp Gateway, so
LinkUp software just catch the pool and then put it ahead to users
via the NetBios layer (mostly Novell IPX/SPX, but it can be any
protocol, where to NetBios can be tunneled).
About the speed: speed was excellent with a one 9600 bps line up to
20-30 users, but loading over 30 response time was too long for
example large printing jobs. So, comparing to GSM's async. 9600 bps
transfer speed it should be fast enough to use it one client at time.
About the establishment delay: if you use normal async modems, it will
take normal "hand shaking time, about 10 s." + of course the time,
when host can give the right pool. I think, that connection can be
made less than one minute.
>client OS a regular CAPI. I wonder whether this is possible with a
>NetWare MPR, i.e. a NetWare Server, as well. Can NetWare handle
>(multiple) PCMCIA? Does the M1 provide a CAPI for NetWare? (I've been
>told it's compatible to the B1, so it should!?!)
You should test products like NetWare SNA and NetWare Connect. Latest
upgrade for NWC2 lists Nokia's CellurarWare PCMCIA GSM-card. NetWare
Connect can handle up to 64 ports.
>Or, are there any other solution you suggest? Maybe some hardware
>boxes, like an external ISDN-GSM adaptor or a CISCO with GSM support?
There are many gateway products available, like LinkUp. You can for
example dedicate one pc to the LAN for Netbios/SNA gateway operations
and make external "modem pool" for dial in connections. With NWC for
example you can use IPX and TCP/IP connections and NetBios over them.
Remember security ! Cheap choices are like RLN (only TCP/IP support
yet) and expensive like smart cards, which encrypt data with algoritms
like DES and FEAL and s.o.
In the NetWare Connect 2 have quite good security too.
Jari Hiltunen
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